Home > Lawn Services Blog > The Best Time for Tree Pruning in North Carolina

There are many places on the internet where you’ll find advice about tree pruning, but not all of them consider the location of the trees and the climate they live in. If you are in North Carolina, for example, the rules for tree pruning out west or further south probably do not apply to you. It isn’t just the climate that needs to be considered, but also the tree species.

Tree pruning helps to keep your trees healthy

For example, dogwood and cherry trees are common in North Carolina and do not follow the rules for tree pruning that other trees do. If you trim them in the winter like you would many other trees that are best trimmed when dormant, they won’t bloom in the spring. These trees are best trimmed right after they bloom instead. There are also other exceptions to the winter tree pruning recommendation, such as evergreen trees, which should be pruned during their growing season since they never become completely dormant. Another rule of thumb regarding flowering trees is to prune any species that blooms before June after it blooms and leave those that bloom after that for winter.

As for winter tree pruning, the reason why this is such a preferred time is that dormant trees will heal from the cuts more readily. In addition, since insects and other contaminants are also dormant, there is less chance of them harming your trees.

Tree pruning helps to keep your trees healthy so they’ll stand up better to adverse weather conditions. In addition, they generally live longer, which is important when you consider that it can take much of your lifetime to enjoy a mature tree, and starting over isn’t an option.

If you would like to arrange tree pruning for your Denver, North Carolina trees, give us a call at Bone’s Yard Care Solutions. We’ll be happy to assess your landscaping to determine when tree pruning should be done for the types of trees you have.